Advanced Call Center

Pop-up Menu

You can access most of program functionality from single pop-up menu.

When you run the Advanced Call Center, its icon appears in the system tray.  This icon allows you a full user interface:

  • The icon changes depending on the program status (see the Tray Icon meanings here).
  • Right-clicking the icon calls up the Pop-up Menu containing all the program functionality.  The list of popup menu commands follows.
  • Command Result
    Advanced Call Center Calls up the main program window.
    Help Opens a submenu providing with access to the program's help system.
    Options Allows access to Setup, Properties, Modem Strings, Phone Number Format, and also to reset options to default settings, and to toggle the main window menu on/off.
    Mode Opens a submenu for selection of your answering mode and toggling the answering machine modes.
    Contacts Opens a submenu for access to your Contact List and allows to add a contact on the fly.
    Call Opens a call managing submenu allowing Answer, Speakerphone, Hold, Hang Up, Disconnect, Dial, Flash, and Emulate Ring commands.
    Answering Machine Opens an answering machine managing submenu that allows to select and record greeting messages, to answer immediately with the answering machine, and to browse lists of incoming calls having been answered by the answering machine.
    Tools Opens a submenu allowing to manually start and stop recording your conversation, and to send a pager message.
    Switch Identity When you start the program, you are prompted to identify yourself as a user.  This command allows to log off current user and restart the program for another one.
    Enable/Disable Toggles the program monitoring/pause mode.
    Modem Diagnostics

    Starts your modem diagnostics.  Use this to create diagnostics file for including into author contact message in case of any trouble with the program.


    Start your modem diagnostics in direct COM port access mode only (Options -> Telephone Device) to provide reliable diagnostics results.
    Exit Exits the program

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    © 1998 - 2001 Oleg Afonin.